
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 07:29:54

How can I describe you?First of all ,about your appearance,I used to think that you are really pretty sweet when I saw your photo for the first time.But ,Unfortunately,I was disappointed at the fact that you are neither pretty nor cute.I really don't know how to carry on writing!The Second is about your character,you are indeed a little bit overbearing ,barbarous,and cunning.Even though I don't have intention to lose my temper to you,beacause you are actually talent to show your weakness which can make people have the willing to spoil you,when you offense the feeling of them and they want to fire at you.Okay ,I will zip my mouth.Anyway ,I bloody crush on you.And running away is the last escape way you can think up.There is no way to escape.Do waite for me and wait for my coming to you!将就着看吧!你可能真的dizzy了。哎士之耽兮!


at the fact that you are neither pretty nor cute.I really don't know how to carry on writing! = = 晕 你这不是害人么

: “how to write